Start successfully

Every business starts with an idea. You have a good business idea, a invention or just a vision. But it is a long way from that to a successful realization.

The idea is just the beginning. You will realize soon, that money is the indispensable requirement for the development of an idea to a successful enterprise. Only a very few projects can be realised without additional capital. That´s why raising capital is one of the most important prerequisites for your success. Mostly conventional banks drop out because they are not willing to share the risk. They only provide loans if you are able to provide securities. The most practicable solution are investor, who are willing to share your risk and participate from your success.

Therefore all your effort should focus on finding investors and convince them of your project. A entry in the database of Proma-Investment is for sure a convenient and promising method to find contacts to investors.

Now it applies to you to convince the potential investors. Therefore you should try to see your project with their eyes. The earlier you get in contact to the investors the better. In discussions with potential fund providers you will learn what is important for them and what they require. Often investors are willing to help in the planning phase and to bring in their own wishes.

What is important for an investor?
The first thing is the idea and the plan how to realize it. All has to be conclusive and practicable. Possible problems, if there are no solutions for, will deter investors. Your concept has to stand a critical inspection of specialists. As important as the idea and the concept there are the people behind the project. Investors don´t put money into ideas, but in the team that realizes the ideas. No matter for what you are looking for money you don´t sell your project only, you always sell your personality as well. So you should be able to explain why especially you, your team or your leading personal are able to bring a project to a successful conclusion.

Finally you have to explain the profit prospects. What profit will an investor get out of the capital he brings in and in what period. The calculation of the profit has to be conclusive and realistic.
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